Just an update and some other news.

I have a couple of newly created Tutu dresses ( superman and a monster high) up for sale on my craft Facebook page. That direct link. Www.facebook.com/clevercraftingconcepts 

   ** I also can ship to North American
by way of usps for there shipping costs.

In other news,
I have a e-commerce website set up for items I create. I only have a few tutu dresses listed so far and a couple of Wreaths and head bands as well. I am trying to post more items each day, I had a major problem when my cat knocked my phone off the couch a couple days ago and the screen went black and no longer worked so I lost all my photos and a lot of other things. It was non recoverable, but I did get a better new phone. I also have to say that listing each item and having to describe every detail about the product is very time consuming. 
Also you are always welcome to contact me personally and have your item custom created. You can find a my personal contact info on my Facebook page. (Link above)

And my last piece of not so good news is:
I was unfortunately diagnosed with severe carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands/arms. Of course my right side is worse being my dominant hand. This was in early March. I went to see a surgeon and he had explained to me my only option is the surgery, the other treatments for this will not help. ( i.e. arm splints, steroid shots, or other medicine.) But, he did say that the good news is he can fix this pain. (Which by the way, is absolutely one of the most extreme agony I have been in, besides child birth and passing a kidney stone. Lol....) I'm just hoping that the recovery time is not as long as I'm thinking that it will be. ( oh, and that kind goodness for text to talk, lol) I've had Right rotator cuff surgery and that was quite painful too. And the time it took me to recover fully was close to a year!!
Well, I go into surgery this Monday  (4/11/2016) with one of the best hand surgeon's in the Tampa Bay area.  I'm just praying that I will be better before the fall. That's my big time of the year for vendor events.
Well that's all for now...
Until next time...

                     Clever crafting concepts

1-day trip to Miami (February 2023)

My overnight trip to Miami.   My hubby and I had to go to Miami a few days before we went on our 1st cruise  The passport office said his pi...