My overnight trip to Miami.
My hubby and I had to go to Miami a few days before we went on our 1st cruise
The passport office said his picture wasn't good enough. We waited 10 weeks for them to send a letter to us stating that information. Even though the US Post Office took the picture. That's the government for ya. So, we spent the night in Miami so we were able to be at the passport office 1st thing and get it taken care of with the new picture. My hubby went to 2 different places and got his pictures taken so the passport office could choose which one would be the best. (The post office that took the original picture didnt even say sorry. So having to take off work, having to drive 5 hours plus+ to Miami, spend $$ on a hotel room, road snacks and restaurants, the gas there and back, the cost of the original passport photo, and 2 retakes just in case, the expedited shipping fee, and that wasn't refunded. Not even a simple "Sorry" we cost you about $750 extra) It took all day waiting for the passport to be printed. So we went back to our room. Had lunch and then checked out and went back to the passport office. We waited in line some more and then got the passport. Just an FYI. If you're not the only getting your passport you will have to sit outside the office.
We were happy the process was over and happy to head back home. As we're leaving downtown, it is a bit crazy. Which google maps took us up interstate I95 instead of going I75. It took us way out of our way and added another hour of driving. So a 5+ hr drive ended up being 6+ and half hrs. Ugh to google maps. My hubby started feeling sick on the way back, we figured out it was from him eating plantains. So, I drove home as well as driving there to Miami. I use to drive a lot when I was younger for work. I traveled a lot. I mean a lot. We saw more of the back roads in Florida. Which I have seen plenty of them when I worked for a company that did real-estate tax services. Let's say a lot of those back roads haven't changed much either. Lol. Anyway. We made it home in 1 piece and made it to our cruise that Monday. It was wonderful and so tiring. A lot of walking around the ship. Then when we came to Mexico and Grand Cayman we did so much walking. I think my legs were going to fall off. But, I enjoyed the time. Seeing foreign lands. This was the 1st time for the both of us to be out of the country. Except for Canada. We dont count Nigeria Falls. Lol.
Even though our stops are cruise ports they still use their monies and speak their languages. A lot of the people speak English. So its easy to get by. Not an issue with the lost in translation. I was most surprised in Mexico when I was looking for an AxlotiT-shirts for my daughter and I couldn't find anything with an Axloti on it. Nothing. No where. I was bummed. It only comes from Mexico. Why can't I find anything with an Axloti on it. As were back in the cruise termnal and there are lots of vendors trying to get you to spend your money. I ask one of them if they having anything with an axloti on it. He runs away and turns a corner. He comes back in a flash and what does he have. A glow in the dark axloti tshirt. The sun and light will change the colors of the shirt. I was able to get 2 shirts for 5 dollars off of the price. It was American prices in Mexico. We both were happy with the end result. Plus, My teenager loved it. So that made me happy.
Another little known fact. Foreign countries don't like it when you ask them for a passport stamp. In Mexico I thought I was going to be thrown out of the country for asking. The lady at the office was not nice. She made it seemed like she was in one of those movies with the Foreign dictator staring you down with that mean face and going to throw you in jail for looking at them sideways. She says to me: This is not a souvenir. We don't just give these out. You Americans think this is a toy. So how can I get a stamp in my passport? Am I not a visitor in your land. Yeah but you not staying over night here are you? No, I'm on the cruise ship. If you come back to stay overnight I can stamp. But not now. I'm a very busy woman. We're done.
Well, OK. I see you're so busy with no one in the office and everyone is sitting around and talking gossip.
Scary woman. Lol. To see pictures of my 1st cruise see that post next.
Regency Miami Airport by Sonesta
Hotel pool. View from my room balcony.
Another view from my balconyDowntown Miami off in the distance from little Havana.
Hotel restaurant
Lobby looking into the hotel restaurant.
Front of the hotel entrance
Hotel club. Closed at the time.
Artwork in the parking lot.
Repurposed old military vehicles turned into benches for the art display.
Repurposed old military vehicles turned into benches.
List of movies playing half a box away. Walking distance away.
Le club.
My hubby in front of the art panels outside the hotel.
Empty cigar boxes on the wall outside of the hotel.
The club attached to the hotel. But wasn't open. I think it's closed until remodeling is complete.
View from the front door
Baby grand piano in the lobby. And a neat chandelier.
Lobby pool table
Lobby decor. And sitting area.
Our view from our hotel balcony. That's Downtown Miami off in the distance.